I regularly speak at international business & tech conferences, meet ups, university seminars and career events. Get in touch if you'd like me to speak at your event on any of the topics below.
Thematic story and demo, Sydney NLP Mini Conference, July 2018, Sydney, Australia
Thematic story and demo, Artificial Intelligence Meetup, June 2018, Auckland, New Zealand
Insights into Customer Journeys using Feedback Analysis, Sentiment Analysis Symposium, 2017, New York, US
Artificial Intelligence and Customer Engagement, Techweek, 2017, Auckland
Making the most of customer feedback, SmarterData 2017, Auckland
STEMPreneurs talk at AUT, 2017, Auckland.
Predictive Analytics Workshop at Customer Experience Asia 2016, Singapore
7 NLP Must-Haves of Customer Feedback Analysis, Sentiment Analysis Symposium 2016, New York, US
Applications of Natural Language Understanding: Tools & Technologies, Strata & Hadoop World 2016, London, UK
Make Predictive Analytics your secret weapon, Customer 3.1, 2016, Auckland, NZ
Languages & Computers, Refactor 2015, Auckland, NZ
Visualising text, Data Visualising Meetup, 2015, GridAKL, Auckland, NZ
Understanding Human Language with Python (video) - KiwiPyCon 2014, Wellington, NZ
NLP with Python Tutorial - KiwiPyCon 2014, Wellington, NZ
Boy Geeks vs Girl Geeks. Some Real-World Data - Girl Geeks Coffees at Unitech 2014, Auckland, NZ
Keywords, Concepts and Categories - NLP in NZ Meetup 2014, Auckland NZ
Making Sense of Unstructured Data with Text Analytics - Analytics Seminars, Auckland Uni, 2013
Fast-forward Several Years. The Lives of NZ CS PostGraduates - NZCSRSC 2013, Hamilton, NZ
Text Analytics on 2 Million Documents: A Case Study - Text Analytics World 2012, Boston, MA
Mining Unstructured Data: Practical Applications - O'Reilly Strata Conference, 2012, Santa Clara, CA
Innovation for the Enterprise. Unstructured Data Management - Think Forward at Buddle and Findlay 2012, Auckland, NZ
Text Analytics with Pingar - Semantic Garage MeetUp, San Francisco, 2011
The Next-Generation SharePoint: Powered by Text Analytics - Hong Kong and Singapore SharePoint Conferences, 2011
Advice to high school students wanting to study Computer Science - Enginuity Day at Auckland Uni, 2011
Introduction into Natural Language Processing - Girl Geek Dinner, Tauranga, 2010
Automatic Topic Indexing - Seminars at NEJM, 2008, Boston, MA
Key Phrase Indexing with Controlled Vocabularies - Google New York, 2006, New York, NY